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This group is from the gallery 1:1 Page
ARTIST WORKS on this page are by:
the Creagers (3) - Nelson (2) - Cely (1) - Lichtenfels (2) - Verhelst (1) - Anderson (1)
Portrait of Maria Martinez by J&R Creager
Realistic Portrait Dressed Sculpture
Portrait of Georgia O'Keefe by J&R Creager
Realistic Portrait Dressed Sculpture
Portrait of Lydia at the Studio by J&R Creager
Realistic Portrait Dressed Sculpture>
The Brotherhood by Illustrator and Artist Bill Nelson
Character/Fantasy Dressed Sculptures
Tim by Illustrator and Artist Bill Nelson
Character/Fantasy Dressed Sculpture
Rapunzel by Noni Cely
Fabric Sculpture
"Cathy" By Lisa Lichtenfels
Soft Sculpture Fabric - Dressed Sculpture
"Red Angel" by Lisa Lichtenfels
Soft Sculpture Fabric
Marabou Jail by Artist Marlane Verhelst of the Netherlands
Fine Art Fantasy Dressed Sculpture
Naveen from Children of the Moon by Yara Anderson
Fantasy Dressed Sculpture

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