Established Gallery seeks figuratives or "artist dolls" also termed: mixed media figurative sculptures, dressed sculptures, characters, film miniatures, special effects, fantasy figures...something that would qualify as a 3D figurative piece which incorporates some fabric (if not a complete "dress") as well as something used for hair (wigs, fabric, natural materials, etc) and possibly jointed or poseable (but not necessary). Even those figures from Japan termed "Love Dolls", or special effects using poured latex would qualify. Most of the gallery artists have art related backgrounds such as: sculptors, graphic artists, special FX modelers, illustrators, theatre set designers, costumers, mask makers, window dressers, flat art painters, etc. The list of backgrounds is endless! Many have an art school background which they never used in "real life" and find a creative outlet for their imagination in creating "Fine Art Dolls", others have received on the job training from the film or animation industry and related areas.
The majority of pieces represented and sought by the gallery are one-of-a-kind made from: polyform clays (cernit, fimo, etc.), paper clay, stone clay, papier mache, creall therm, hydrastone, silicone latex, wood, fabric, etc...the list is endless! However there are also some small limited editions ranging from press mold to repros in resin. Preference is for small (5-10) editions.
If you are already making art doll figuratives and have the right background and are interested in selling them through the gallery, please contact me by E mail or via the Guestbook. I also welcome any comments and referrals that you would like to make. This is not for a commission purpose or a position with the gallery. This is only a notice that there is a gallery that is interested in this type of work and actively seeking new works for exhibit, promotion and sale.
Mann Gallery is well known by most contemporary fine art doll artists (who also do characters, puppets, masks, etc) and enjoys a good reputation with editors of magazines dedicated to this genre, as well as Fine Art Crafts. This is a serious search for serious artists, and I would love to discuss the possibilities with those creating this artform. ©1997-2002
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The contents of this Web site are the sole responsibility of its creator, Mann Gallery. © Nancie Mann
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