Antonette Cely, CLOTH DOLL ARTIST Resume
EDUCATION:BA 1977 Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
MEMBERSHIP:1985 - Present Southern Highland Craft Guild
1986 - Present National Institute of American Doll Artists
EXHIBITS:Oct 1996 International Doll Art, Chicago, IL
Aug 1991 Imitation of Life Construction Co., San Diego, CA
March 1991 Poupees d'hier - Creations d'aujourd'hui, Palais du Louvre, Paris, FRANCE
July 1990 Mother Plays With Dolls, Traveling Exhibit
June 1989 Doll Fantasies, Wenham Museum, Wenham, MA
Nov 1988 Caroll Reece Museum, E. Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
>Oct 1988 Dollmakers Magic, Houston Quilt Market, Houston, TX, Traveling Exhibit
Oct 1987 Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, NC
Nov 1985 Museum of American Folk Art, New York, NY
Nov 1984 Museum of the City of New York, New York, NY
Sept 1984 Third Place, Juried Exhibit, Touchstone Gallery, Hendersonville, NC
PRINT: (Books)1997 Anatomy of a Doll, Susanna Oroyan
1995 The Doll by Contemporary Artists, Krystyna Poray Goddu and Wendy Lavitt
1995 A Crafter's Book of Angels, Deborah Morgenthal
1994 The World's Most Beautiful Dolls, The Editors of Dolls Magazine
1993 Dollmaking: Theory and Practice Vol 2 Cloth Dollmaking by Antonette Cely
1991 Dollmaking: Theory and Practice Vol 1 Creating Your Own Fabric by Antonette Cely
>1991 The Art of The Doll, National Institute of American Doll Artists
1990 Mother Plays With Dolls by Elinor Peace Bailey
PRINT: (Magazines) Fall 1995 - Present The Cloth Doll. Writer of Costume Construction Column.Feb 1994 Doll Life. Stuffing Technique by Antonette Cely
Fall 1991 - 1995 The Cloth Doll. Writer of Accessories Column.
July 1992 Dolls. News from the Studios by Louise Fecher
May/June 1992 Contemporary Doll. Rules of the Game by Antonette Cely
Fall 1991 Contemporary Doll. Gallery
Fall 1988 The Cloth Doll. Cover Photograph.
Summer 1988 The Cloth Doll. Renaissance Woman by Gail Enid Zimmer
July 1988 Doll Reader. Doll Artistry of Antonette Giammarinaro by Susie Oroyan
Jan/Feb 1987 Dolls. Fashioned from Fabric by Rachel Stein>
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Copyright: Antonette Cely, April 25, 1997